
VueJS > React for smaller projects

Holy crap it has been 3 months since I last wrote something. I guess in the midst of being busy I lost the feel/drive to keep this updated.

Well, apart from those 2 short posts about Javascript, a whole lot has happened. Firstly, I gave up on using ReactJS for my capstone project. There’s a list of reasons, but I gave up mainly for 2 reasons.

  1. It takes too much time to develop something simple with it
  2. No boilerplate/templating within the framework means that it’s fast, but also means that I have to write a lot of native JS over and over again

Those 2 reasons, combined with the complexity of scaling with React correctly according to best practices got my head into such a spiral that it’s simply not worth the effort.

Instead I went with VueJS under the recommendation of my friend. And I gotta say, I managed to code with it way faster than React. Simply because there is a ton of templating code that reduces the amount of pure JS I need to write for simple things like looping. A v-for loop is much easier than a map function, where I have to deal with the type of objects and data type.

Side note: Set up a new server at my gf house. First time I’ve set up a physical server that I have access to somewhere else other than my own home. I don’t know what I can do with it yet, but it felt awesome because I felt that my knowledge is applicable in places apart from my own setup.