Development Learning

Things I’ve been exploring

Haven’t updated this blog for half a year because… I was actually writing it in a private blog. It’s mostly incoherent ramblings on the new frameworks/languages that I’ve been learning, trying to sort out my thoughts the whole time.

But there are a few key takeaways from the past couple of months since I’ve started working at Govtech.

The project that I’m working on utilizes the micro-service architecture. Which everyone know it’s a buzzword these days. However, to actually implement it in the way that works out as well as the bigger players like Netflix, Twitter, etc; is a heck a lot more difficult than I naively imagined it to be. (will probably have a separate post about micro-services cause it’s too much to write about in a single post)

Here’s the list of technologies that we are using, and pretty much all of them require me to pick up from scratch.

Spring bootBackend framework
React Redux SagaFrontend framework
TerraformInfrastructure as Code
AnsibleIT automation
Kubernetes/DockerContainer orchestration
AirflowScheduler (haven’t dive in yet)

Because of what I’ve been working on, I have decided to revamp my January home server setup again. It’s still in progress because I can’t get my Kubernetes cluster to initiate correctly and it has been driving me bananas.

In this period of time I have also revamped my portfolio page to be more modern and doesn’t have slight misalignment that the previous layout had. The reason it turned out well is probably because I got tired of trying to do everything from scratch by myself and just used a well-known framework, Bootstrap. (Fun fact: It was built with pure CSS grid layout and ES6 generator functions)

In any case, I think I will make an effort to write here more often instead of dumping everything on a private blog. After all, sharing is caring right?

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